3 Steps To Naturally Long, Strong Nails
I have always loved painting my nails. In high school I would often spend Sunday night creating fun nail art for the coming school week. I absolutely loved it, except I could never get my nails to grow out long and strong. My nails would chip, crack and flake. It was terrible! Even worse, I would spend hours creating nail artwork just to have it be ruined when my nails broke a couple days later. Eventually, I stopped painting my nails altogether. All I wanted was to have beautiful, long nails.
Fast forward a few years into college and I started alternating between acrylic and gel manicures. I loved having beautiful, long nails. That is until it was time to take the manicures off. Acrylic and gel manicures left my nails weak, thin and brittle. They were worse after a manicure that they ever before.
After many years of searching, I finally found the secret to achieving naturally long nails. The best part? It is quick, easy and inexpensive.
First, we all know this, but you should drink lots of water. Now, you don’t have to drink a gallon a day, but you should really push yourself to drink a minimum of 8 glasses (64 ounces) a day. It will not only help your nails but also your skin and hair. Overall, it’s just a really good habit to get into.
Second, you need some good old fashion vitamins. I always use to think that vitamins were kind of pointless. I mean how can something make such a big difference? The truth, it has completely changed my nails. All you need is a hair, skin and nails vitamin. I am currently using this one from Sam’s Club, but any brand will do.
UPDATE: Since writing this post, I have found a vitamin that not only helps grow long nails, but gives me glowing, clear skin as well! Check out the Halo Beauty Booster.
My third, and final, step to achieve naturally long, strong nails is the CND Rescue Rxx Treatment. Guys, this stuff is amazing! I found this while looking for a product to save my nails after the last time I had acrylics. I really love it because I know about most of the ingredients in it: Sweet Almond Oil, Jojoba Seed Oil, Water, Alcohol, Keratin and Perfume. The only ingredient I was not familiar with was Sorbitan Oleate. A quick look at EWG.org informed me it is a low risk product that helps to mix the oils and water together.
I like to paint this on my nails once or twice a week when I think about it, or just as needed. All you have to do it paint it on and let it sit while watching an episode of Scandal. I definitely noticed a difference after only a week of use. I can’t recommend this product enough.
Thanks to these three products, my nails have never been better! I no longer have to spend tons of money at the nail salon and my nails stay almost effortlessly long and strong. I’ve also noticed that when my nails are healthy, nail polish lasts longer.
Other tips to keep your nails happy are to use a good moisturizer daily. I really enjoy First Aid Beauty and Cetaphil lotions. Also, use a nail file to shorten your nails instead of just cutting them. Make sure to file lightly and only in one direction instead of back and forth. Finally, be gentle. When typing, use the pads of your fingers instead of the tips. This will help from putting excessive pressure on the nail tip.
That’s all for today lovelies! I hope you find this helpful! Are there any nail products or polishes that you are loving right now?
See you Friday!