My Skin Diary
Makeup is wonderful. Not only can it be used to accentuate your natural beauty, but it can also be used to conceal the things we don’t like. Growing up, I had fairly good skin. I can remember just brushing on light mineral foundation or maybe a little bb cream and being happy. I rarely broke out and when I did, it was controllable.

Unfortunately, that all changed about 4-5 years ago. I started to not only break out, but to get terrible cystic acne. The worst areas were my jaw and chin, meaning it is hormonal. The problem with that: it is harder to treat. I’ve tried everything it seems. Though my skin isn’t cured, it has improved a lot.
The thing that has helped the most? My Clarisonic Mia Fit. Here is a shot before I got the Clarisonic.
As you can see, my skin is super inflamed with a lot of break outs. You can’t see them, but I have several cystic areas on my chin and jaw. This was December 19.
Fast forward to now, April 7, and here is an update:
The actual breakouts have greatly decreased. A lot of what you see is discoloration and scaring. I am not getting as many cystic breakouts and my pores are not clogged.
Usually, I use my Bosica cleanser in the morning with an oil free moisturizer. If I have too many dry patches, I will use a light exfoliating peel before moisturizing. In the evening, I remove any makeup with an oil. Then I use my Clarisonic and the Clarisonic Pore Cleanser to really clean my face. I follow with my diy facial oil and a moisturizer. You can find a full list and review of my favorite products here.
I have found that these products and steps all greatly help. However, it isn’t enough for me. I dream of having really great skin again. So, I have decided to go on Accutaine. I will be starting next week and decided to document my journey here. So I will be posting occasional Skin Diaries entries as I go through this jounrey.
Wish me luck!