My Skin Diary
Well, I have officially been taking isotretinoin for one month and things have not been too bad. My dermatologist started me at 20mg once a day, saying this should prevent my skin from purging and causing more breakouts. It seems she was right, because I have only have one or two new pimples over the month and they went away almost as quickly as they appeared. Here are a few progress shots:
Though I didn’t notice a difference before taking the photos, my husband did. He had been gone for about 3 weeks and the first night he was home he mentioned that my skin was looking better.
So far, I have not been having really any symptoms. The biggest thing I have noticed is the dryness. It isn’t unbearable or anything, but my skin is definitely no longer oily. There are some products that have been really helping me this month.
Origins Night-a-mins Face Cream
Origins Plantscription Eye Cream
Dermatologist Choice Lip Complex
It’s been strange having to shop for different makeup products. Like I can no longer use any of my mattifing products because my skin just takes any moisture that touches it. One really great thing is my scalp is no only oily, meaning I can now go a couple days without washing my hair and not have to use dry shampoo.
I’m excited to see what this next month brings! I know I need to find even more moisturizing products. Any recommendations for primers, setting sprays or lotions?
Happy Friday!