DIY: Rose Gold Elixir
With social media, it is so easy to fall into the trap of over hyped products. Scrolling through Instagram, I can’t tell you how many people I’ve seen using the Farsali Rose Gold Elixir. It seemed like every other picture was an influencer putting this on their lips and ending with flawless results. I managed to avoid the temptation because it was not sold in the US. However, as soon as it became available on Sephora, I shelled out the $54 for this magical serum.
Now, I’ve been using this for over a month. Do I like it? I do! Is it worth $54? I wasn’t convinced. After looking at the ingredients, I thought I’d be able to make a version myself for a fraction of the cost.
Orange Peel Essential Oil
Lemongrass Essential Oil
The receipts is so simple! I just use 1 tbsp of Pumpkin seed oil, 1 tbsp rose Hip oil, 6 drops orange peel and 6 drops lemon grass essential oils. Then, just pour mixture into a dark bottle and you are ready to use!
A few notes: there are two ingredients that I did not include. There are no scientific studies showing proven results of gold in skin care, so I decided to skip for cost. I also did not include vitamin e oil because it is debateable on the benefits it has for the skin. Finally, you will need to make sure you keep the serum in a dark bottle. This helps to protect the integrity of the oils. This recipe should last for at least 3 months due to the fact it does not contain any water.
Good skin care is a great investment. However, a lot of things you can make for a fraction of the cost in store. This serum is hydrating and always leaves my skin feeling soft and nourished. What is your favorite skin care item?
Xoxo Sammie