Review: NovaShine Teeth Whitening
What’s one thing that you always felt self conscious about? For me, it is my smile. In my younger years, my front teeth were crooked. So, in middle school I had to get braces. When I finally got them off, I loved how straight my smile was, but i felt like it was too yellow.
I remember that I was so excited because, for taking good care of my teeth and doing well in school, my parents let me get my teeth whitened at the dentist. Ever since I have tried my best to keep my teeth sparkling white. However, I am now a daily coffee drinker with an occasional coke thrown in. Needless to say, keeping the staining at bay can be a struggle.
That’s where NovaShine comes in. When they first contacted me about trying their product, I was super excited. Whitening your teeth can get expensive pretty quick. Because of that, at home whitening is a great option. In the past, I have always been a little weary of whitening my teeth myself. But, I figured that this would be the perfect product to try.
“Novashine™ Teeth Whitening Kit comes with everything you need to restore your natural bright smile. The professional teeth whitening system is specially formulated to whiten teeth quickly, effectively, and without causing major tooth sensitivity. The system’s peroxide based gel removes tooth discoloration caused by stain-causing food and beverages, as well as tobacco products.”
With every kit you receive 10 mL of whitening gel, a mouthpiece, micro-USB adapter, as well as instructions and a whitening guide. They instructions in the box are not the clearest, but there are more in depth instructions on their website. Luckily the product is also fairly easy to use.
Before whitening, make sure to brush and floss your teeth. Next, place a layer of the whitening gel on the upper and lower walls of the mouthpiece. Just make sure to apply to the walls and not the part you bite down on. Then, you just place the mouthpiece between your teeth and bite down lightly to hold in place. Plug the mouthpiece into your phone or other usb device to turn it on. Keep the mouthpiece in for 10 to 30 minutes.
It is important to note, if you feel any sensitivity after whitening, to wait a few days before another session and to do it for less time. According the the NovaShine site, you can use this product daily as long as no sensitivity occurs.
For me, I saw results after my first 30 minute session. My teeth were not too bad to begin with but this definitely helped to brighten them.
Overall, I really liked this product. It was quick and easy to use. I did not have any problems and I saw great results. The only issue I had was with plugging in the mouthpiece. I used my iphone 7 and I had to hold the adapter in place to keep the mouthpiece lit up. So, that was a little annoying. That being said, I will definitely be using this again. For me, I will use it probably twice a month to keep the coffee stains away.
Right now, NovaShine has their teeth whitening kits on sale! You can get the whole thing for only $47.99! Best of all, you can get many applications from the one tube of gel and they sell refills of the gel too
Would you give this product a try? Let me know!
Xoxo Sammie
This product was sent to me in exchange for my review. All thoughts and opinions are my own and based off of my own experience with the product.