DIY: Whole Foods Face Masks
While everyone knows how important whole foods are for our health, not many realize the benefits that whole foods can have for your skin. Think of it this way, why should you spend extra money to put harsh chemicals and other unknowns on your skin when you can achieve the same results with produce from the local market? Here are some of my favorite foods for your skin:
Honey is a humectant, which promotes the skin to absorb moisture and lock it in. It also is highly antibacterial which can be beneficial for acne-prone skin.
Oatmeal is fantastic to soothe irritated skin and to reduce inflammation. A mix of flavonoids, phenols and avenanthramides act as natural anti-inflammatories. It is best to use oats ground up or in a flour form.
Cocoa is rich in antioxidants which help to protect your skin against free radicals. It also contains caffeine which is great in helping to firm the skin.
Turmeric has antiseptic, astringent, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. When used in a face mask, it works to help fight wrinkles and smooth the skin. It has also been shown to help fade acne scars. Just be sure to dilute with other ingredients as it can stain the skin when used alone.
Avocado and Avocado Oil are rich in healthy fats. They are easily absorbed while moisturizing and helping with skin regeneration. These particularly help dry, sensitive or sun damaged skin.
Green Tea is high in antioxidants and has been shown to help reduce inflammation, soothe damaged skin and calm irritated skin. Tea leaves or brewed tea can be used for rinses or in DIY face masks.
Greek Yogurt is another great moisturizer and soother due to its protein, calcium and probiotic properties. It also works as a chemical exfoliant due to the lactic acid. Mixed with other ingredients, it can be used in a hydrating mask to promote glowing skin.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil not only moisturizes the skin but also cleanses it. It helps to remove makeup and pull out dirt and impurities from the pores. It has also been found to help prevent cell damage due to the sun’s radiation.
All of these ingredients are amazing on their own, but they are even better when combined. Mix two or three of these together to create the perfect face mask. Apply to clean skin and let sit for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water and pat your skin dry.
By making your own masks at home, you know exactly what is in them. Even better, each time you make a new mask, you can tailor it to your skin’s needs at the time. No more spending money on large amounts of chemicals or standing in the beauty isle confused by the hundreds of different products. There are so many wonderful foods for you skin, these are just a few of my favorite.
What kind of masks are you planning on making?
Xoxo Sammie