• DIY Projects

    DIY Honey Rose Face Mask

    I love face masks. I have at least three different ones one had at all time. Only problem is, that they can get pretty pricey at $30-$40 per container. Recently, I have been playing around with making my own beauty products. I have been doing this because it is inexpensive, I can customize each product for my needs, and it is fun! Today, I’m sharing a simple three ingredient mask. All you will need is honey, Greek yogurt and Rose Hip Seed Oil. First of all, here is why I chose each ingredient: Honey is antibacterial and works great for acne prone skin. It is also moisturizing and soothing on the…

  • DIY Projects

    DIY Monday: Easy, Clean Bath Bombs

    I’m the first to admit it: I love pampering myself. I love having girl’s nights and spa days. Spending the time to do nails and face masks is just so relaxing. Unfortunately, I don’t seem to find the time to do all that between work and school. But, something I can find time for is a long, hot bath. When I take a bath, I love using bath bombs. They smell so good and are so much fun. However, they can get very expensive when you are paying $5 or more a piece. So, I tested out a bunch of recipes so I could find out the perfect homemade bath…